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Sponser a Queen Bee


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Queen bee Sponsership

This is a perfect gift for adults and children who are interested in the environment and helping the Scottish honey bees survival and helping them increase their numbers.

The Queen bee is the egg laying machine within the hive producing all the new worker bees which enable them to forage for food and thrive, without her the workers and the drones they wouldn't be unable to survive its one of the symbotic relastionship in nature.

You will receive -

  • Sponsorship Certificate with a picture of your queen bee and its name you choose. All our Queens are bred and hatched out at our own apiaries here in Scotland, we now breed all our own queens and don't import any.
  • Name your Queen bee.
  • A 226g jar of honey when its available from your hive - this may not be the following Summer if the colony dont build up fast enough this season, remeber this is a newly hatched queen with a small family for the time being it takes time for them to build up to a size where we can harvest honey from the hive.
  • A pack of mixed wildflower seeds to scater in your garden to help our future pollinators.

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